Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paris Peace conference -

When we arrived in our new destination, we were hidden behind chairs when Frederike saw the Eiffel Tower through the window. We were in Paris. Suddenly we heard people talking. We hid behind a shelf and watched the two men talk. It was George Clemenceau, the French prime minster and Aristide. They were talking about the meeting, and Clemenceau said that he wanted to increase the sanctions set on Germany. However, it seemed that Aristide did not want to put that harsh sanctions on Germany. When the two went outside for a smoke, Frederike remembered that she had some pretty strong pain killers with her that actually cause a headache if you take two of them, so we decided to put some into Cleamenceau's coffee so he would get a headache. Our plan worked, after they finished their discussion and shortly after Aristide had left, George phoned him again saying that Aristide should replace him at the meeting since his headache is killing him. We had succeeded, Aristide would go to the meeting and reveal his opinion and not Clemenceaus! As we can see from our historybooks, he really did state his opinion and demanded less reparations from Germany.
After yet again another successful mission we saw that we still had 15 minutes left to spend in the past so we decided to give it another try and turn the knob one more time...

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